September 4, 2011

i say i'm sorry a lot


so, i have a large personality flaw and i would really like to fix it. it comes out at inappropriate times and it screws me over in the end.

being young at heart is good at sometimes and bad at others. i need to control my "youthfulness." if that makes sense at all. someone told me that i act older than i really am yesterday but i totally took 500 steps back today.

i'm sorry for being immature. i really am trying.

1 comment:

  1. I do it too (just recently actually), but the benefits of young-at-heart far outweigh and outnumber the oh-I-wish-I-wouldn't-have-done-that moments. Stay young at heart with new experiences ahead of you, instead of getting old and crabby with only memories and The Price is Right to keep you company. I know some young 80 year olds and some old 20 year olds. One group is definitely happier than the other...
