March 8, 2012

God- 3 Brooke- 0

So, today I went out to embark on a journey to the DMV. Gag. I was up until 3am the night (or day) before writing an essay, so I didn't wake up until 10.  I showered and got ready in time to make the bus.  I had a letter to pick up from the mail so that i had proof of address for the DMV, so with 10 minutes until the bus came, I went and picked up the mail. Of course, with my luck, he bus came early, and left me stranded.

So, I had to walk downtown, which isn't a long walk and it isn't hard but I got lost amongst the tunnels. No bueno. I finally made it to the bus stop, tired and hungry, but I made it.  Plus I got to talk to a nearly blind man (remember this man for later in the post).

So I finally made it to the DMV and waited a whole 10 seconds to talk to an attendant.  She told me that my proof of address was incorrect and I would have to come back with a better one. Umm no. Sorry I don't ride the bus for fun.  So I trekked my way to FedEx to PAY for internet and print out a better proof of address. Not cool guys, not cool.  Went back to the DMV and got everything sorted out, picture taken and such. Then I had to take the written test, 40 questions, easy peasy? No. I missed one too many, I only had one more to go, and I missed it. So now I have to go back on Monday. Again, no bueno.  But I'm confident that I will pass this time and so is the nice old lady who helped me.

So as I am upset and leaving the DMV (there may have been a few tears, don't judge) I realize that the bus won't come to my spot for 40 minutes! 40! Might I add that it was freezing today and windy. Very windy. So I had to walk all the way to the mall, ITS FAR WHEN YOUR WALKING, and wait for the bus there.  So I'm at the bus stop, sulking and upset with my current situation, when a young mother with 2 kids comes into the bus stop.  They were wearing dirty clothes and smelt like they hadn't showered in a few weeks.  The kids were crying and the mom, dirty hair and all, was telling them to just calm down and be patient.

Well, it was about that time that I stopped caring about not passing my written test and having to walk all the way to the mall in my clean clothes and brushed hair.  God had been throwing these things at me and I was just ignoring them.  In the midst of my bad mood, there was a blind man and that poor mom.  I was neither of those things and yet I was upset that my life was so "hard." God does funny things like that.

But anyways, Bible study was awesome, the lesson was meant for my situation that I am in (God thing), and I got to go iceskating!  I only fell once, I mean I wouldn't let go of my friends hands, but still I only fell once!

Also I am almost down with my essay that is due tomorrow (or today... EEK) and all because my friend went with me to the library form 9pm to midnight.

Seriously the Lord has blessed me beyond reason and I am so grateful!

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